
Annotations (2024)
On Open Form (2024)
12 poems for park Astrid (2024)
Permeating Voices (2023)
Variables II (2022)
Equilaterals (2021)
Permeation (2021)
Orientation/Dance (2021)
Aktion für 3 Leser*innen (2020)
Variables (2019)
Place du Conseil (2019)
Chora (2019)
Blindfold (2019)
Skenotheke (2018)
Walk with a wire (2018)
Do we share the same time? (2018)
On Random Walks (2017)
Corrosion (Installation) (2017)
Uncovered (2016)
Notes On Zero (2007 / 2016) 
Corrosion (2014)
One Step (2014)
Sonata For 4 Cardinal Points (2013)
Abtragung (2013)
Charcoal Circles (2013)
Generator (2012)
100 Steps (2012)
Voyager (2011)
Phase Alert Phase (2011)
Echo Walk (2010)
Raft (2010)
Asphalt (2010)
Going In A Circle II (2010)
Going In A Circle I (2010)
Unknown Places (2010)
Walls & Lines (2009)
Boden (2009)
Chalkwalk (2009)
Point Of View (2008)


24.04 - 09.06.2025 Hear Here 2025, Sound Art Leuven

07.02.2025 MARTINI WINDISCH plays CARBON (LANDSCAPES) at Grambacht Mechelen, La Semaine du Son 2025
08.02.2025 MARTINI WINDISCH plays CARBON (MOLECULAR) at L'Alba, Charleroi, La Semaine du Son 2025
19.10.2024 Sonata for 4 Cardinal Points at at Słuchokrąg (Listening Circle), Gdańsk Miasto Literatury, Gdańsk
24.10,2024 MARTINI WINDISCH at GC Elzenhof, Brussels - release concert Ricorrenza Traspositoria
24. + 25.07.2024 Orientation/Dance #8 at the Finnissage [intimacy]– Von Menschen und Orten, DA, Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst
21.07.2024 Moving Choir at DIE GROSSE Matinée, DIE GROSSE 2024 Kunstpalast + NRW Forum, Düsseldorf
06.07.2024 Orientation/Dance #8 at [intimacy]– Von Menschen und Orten, DA, Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst
29.05.2024 MARTINI WINDISCH at #83 - Klangkolchose NRW! - fünf, LTK4 im Lutherturm, Köln
25.05.2024 multilogue post-residency presentation, with Jiyun Park, Sybella Perry, Hye Young Sin, Brussels
19.05.2024 Second Sundays #50, with Paul Gründorfer, Q-O2, Brussels
13.05. - 16.06.2024 Residency at Q-O2, workspace for experimental music and sound art Brussels
30.04 – 05.05.2024 Oscillation Festival - Materia Forma, Brussels
15.-17.03.2024 Raum.Klang.Zeichen - Workshop, Bundesakademie, Wolfenbüttel
28.03.2024 multilogue verso , Moltkerei Werkstatt, Köln
27.01.2024 12 poems for park Astrid, Poezie&Party, GC de Rinck Anderlecht
28.01.2024 permeating voices at Vorspiel x D59B | Unbreak My Radio x FEMextended

29.12.2023 - 25.01.2024 walk with a wire at SEQUENCE #4 Kunstverein Bochum
15.12.2023 MARTINI WINDISCH at Makroscope, Mülheim
16.12.2023 MARTINI WINDISCH at Bobby Kinghe, Dordrecht
17.12.2023 MARTINI WINDISCH at Electric Umbrella / Worm, Rotterdam
10.-13.11.2023 Audio Leakage Community - Sound Art Festival Ispod Bine, Dom Mladih, Split
14.11.2023 MARTINI WINDISCH at Velak / Tresor, Linz
15.11.2023 MARTINI WINDISCH at Oberstübchen, Regen
16.11.2023 MARTINI WINDISCH at Punktum, Prague
17.11.2023 MARTINI WINDISCH at Hanse3, Dresden
18.11.2023 MARTINI WINDISCH at Kühlspot, Berlin
07.10.2023 MARTINI WINDISCH at 60 Jahre Tape, HobbyKeller Festival #1, Köln
01.10.2023 MARTINI WINDISCH at Cobra Jaune, Brussels
05.04.2023 Audio Leakage Community at Critical Media Lab, Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW and at HEK Basel
17.03.2023 Symposium: art and sound in public space, KASK Gent

05.09.2022 Les presses du réel, Elena Biserna's "Walking from Scores" book, including a score of mine
18.10.2022 statements Köln °08 "Soundart - Klang.Körper.Raum", artothek Köln
02.-03.9.2022 Orientation/Dance #07 at Meakusma Festival 2022, Eupen
27.8.2022 variables II at Kunstmuseum Bochum, in the framework of Kemnade Klingt! 2022
05.03-04.04.2022 variables II at Allgemeiner Konsumverein, Braunschweig
08.-13.02.2022 On Random Walks at MIM - Musical Intruments Museum, Brussels in the framework of LaSemaine du Son / De Week Van Klank

12.09.2021 Raummusik und so - Common Ground, NeuLand Gartengelände, Köln
4.-12.09.2021 Radio Total.Festival of Visual Arts On Air (Project CAUS: Content Analysis of Urban Sounds, invited by Florian Türcke) Fundacja Chmura, Gdańsk
28.-29.08.2021  Tracks public audiowalks Brussels features SOUNDWALK KUREGEM a project by CONFLUENCES /w Giulia Vimara
30.07. 2021 TALK: Elena Biserna, Jean-Francois Pirson & Franziska Windisch  at  CIVA, Brussels
09.07.- 08.08.2021 Walkingfrom Scores, a group exhibition curated by Elena Biserna, CIVA, Brussels
13.06 - 18.07. 2021 Klangkunstfestival IntraRegionale 2021
04.07. 2021 orientation / dance (workshop) at Künstlerforum Bonn for sonotopia- sonic explorers
26.06. 2021 orientation/dance (workshop) at Kunstverein Barsinghausen - as part of: IntraRegionale 2021
21.-23.05.2021 SOUNDWALK KUREGEM launch at Werkplaats Walter, Brussels, a project by CONFLUENCES /w Giulia Vimara
16.-18.04.2021 sound art radio cologne / FUNKT
21.02.2021 "orientation/dance(workshop)" at Q-O2 Brussels
01.2021 Aktion für 3 Leser*innen,  KUNSTWERTE in Stadtrevue 1/2021 – das Monats­magazin für Köln, initiiert von arte-e-parte
19.-25.10.2020 Kunstverein Bochum - FINISSAGE VideoStage (exhibtion and online)
07. - 11.09.2020 WORKSHOP "Speaking of Sound" at Sound Studies and Sonic Arts, Universität der Künste Berlin
07.05 - 24.09.2020 radio in between spaces