Fotos by
Cilian O'Neill
sound performance, 4 channel audio, text score for 7
Oscillation 2019 - On Sound's Nature,
La Fonderie, Brussels, 05.05.2019
choreographed sound performance focuses on the choir as a
polyphonic body, as a form of listening, speaking and
moving together.
Surrounded by the remaining walls of the former halle
de coulé at La Fonderie Molenbeek, the multi channel
com-position juxtaposes and associates the possibilities
and dynamics of choral actions with the notion of chora
(ancient Greek for space). A term that originally meant the
peripheral area outside the city proper, that also
informed an understanding of space that oscillates
"between the logic of exclusion and that of
participation." (Derrida, On the Name).
Lukas De Clerck, Sebastian Dingens, Antonio Sforna, Laura
ten Zeldam, Willem Vermeersch and Giulia Vismara
With sound excerpts from "Ruins & Beginnings" by
Steve Bates, Marc-Alexandre Reinhardt and Franziska