custom made listening modules (wood, acoustic foam,
loudspeakers, amp)
orientation/dance #01
(rue van humbeek)
guided sequence for large indoor space, english, 14:20,
for 10 listening modules and 3 external loudspeakers,
Molenbeek, Brussels 06/02/2021
orientation/dance #02
(quai aux charbonnages)
guided sequence for indoor space, english, 13:10
for 1 live speaker, silent listening modules and 3
external loudspeakers, at Q-O2, workspace for experimental
music and sound art , Brussels 20/02/2021
orientation/dance #03
(porte rouge)
guided sequence for outdoor space, french, for 4 listening
modules and 3 external loudspeakers, 17:40,
Quartier des Marolles, Brussels 31/03/2021
orientation/dance #04
guided sequence for indoor space, german, for 6 listening
modules and 3 external loudspeakers, 17:40
Kunstverein Barsinhausen, 26/26/2021
orientation/dance #05
(brasserie atlas bruxelles)
movement and voice composition for 4 listening modules as
loudspeakers, 18:00. Brasserie Atlas, Brussels 30/06/2021
orientation/dance #06
(raummusik köln)
movement and voice composition for 6 listening modules as
loudspeakers, 17:20, NeuLand, Köln 12/09/2021
orientation/dance #07
guided sequence for outdoor space, english, for 6
listening modules and 4 external loudspeakers, 15:00,
Meakusma 2022, Eupen 02-03.09.2022
Orientation/dance as performative sound installation invites
participants to pay close attention to their own way of
listening, but also to the acoustic properties and dynamics
of the space the performance takes place.
As a sequence of choreographed movements the performance
setup oscillates between modes of isolation and opening
towards the outside, of individual and collective action.
The participants carry custom-made listening modules built
out of lightweight, flexible wooden boards on their
shoulders. The inside of each module is covered with
acoustic foam: when closed around the head, the noises from
the outside are diminished. Spoken instructions are
transmitted though built-in fm-receivers.