Franziska Windisch is an artist and lecturer based in Brussels. Encompassing performance and installation her artistic practice is is dedicated to processes of transformation and perception. Her work characterised by the creation of situations in which sounds, movements, words and materials enter into poetic relations. Working towards performance modes beyond representation, she develops scores as open structures, where internal states and external influences begin to interact with each other.

Her work has been presented internationally in art spaces and at festivals. She has taught at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne, European Postgraduate in Arts in Sound (KASK) Gent and Sound Studies and Sonic Arts (UDK) Berlin, at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies, Justus Liebig University Gießen and as subsitute professor for "Klangskulptur und Klanginstallation" at Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig.


2022   variables II, Allgemeiner Konsumverein, Braunschweig
2017   On Random Walks, CENTRALE for Contemporary Arts, Brussels
2017   Corrosion, Moltkerei Werkstatt, Köln
2013   Abtragung, Boutique - Raum für temporäre Kunst, Köln
2010   Asphalt, Moltkerei Werkstatt, Köln
2010   Franziska Windisch, GLASMOOG, Köln


2025   La semaine du son, Charleroi / Mechelen (BE)
2024   [intimacy]– Von Menschen und Orten, DA Kunsthaus Gravenhorst (DE)
2024   Die Grosse, Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf (DE)
2024   Oscillation Festival - Materia Forma, Brussels (BE)
2024   Multilogue Verso, Moltkerei Werkstatt Köln (DE)
2023   SEQUENCE #4, Kunstverein Bochum
2023   Sound Art Festival Ispod Bine, Dom Mladih, Split (HRV)
2023   Audio Leakage Community, Critical Media Lab, FHNW, Basel (CH)
2022   Meakusma Festival, Eupen (BE)
2022   Kemnade Klingt! 2022 - Sounding Bochum (DE)
2022   La semaine du son, MIM, Brussels (BE)
2021   Radio Total. Festival of Visual Arts On Air, Gdansk (PL)
2021   Walking from scores, CIVA, Brussels (BE)
2021   Klangkunstfestival Intraregionale, Barsinghausen (DE)
2020   VideoStage, Kunstverein Bochum (DE)
2019   Sound Art 2109, WDR, Cologne (DE)
2019   SOUNDSEEING, DA Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst (DE)
2019   oscillations festival, Q-O2, Brussels (BE)
2019   act, Q18, Cologne (DE)
2018   KIKK Festival of Digital and Creative Cultures, Namur (BE)
2018   Dachkammerklang, Ludwigshafen (DE)
2018   Tuned City, Messene (GR)
2018   Schwebungen, LWL-Haus, Münster (DE)
2017   sammlung mit losen enden 03: 21. Jahrhundert, Kunsthaus NRW Kornelimünster
2017   Acts of Listening, Tsonami Festival de Arte Sonoro, Valparaiso (CL)
2016   Open fields, RIXC Art Science Festival, Riga (LV) (with Haag/Rumori/Windisch/Zeller)
2016   Shift Your Base II, Simultanhalle, Köln
2016   territoires par contact, Galerie Stephanie Jaax, Brussels (BE)
2015   No song to sing, ADN Platform, Barcelona (ES)
2015   Lodgers #3 Apparent Extent, M HKA Antwerp (BE)
2015   Friche, LaVallee, Brussels (BE)
2015   Convergence (a laboratory on the open field), OKNO, Brussels (BE)
2014   interpretations, QO-2, Brussels (BE)
2014   lab30, Augsburg (DE)
2013   Tuned City, Brussels (BE)
2013   Performatik, Drawing Music, QO-2, Brussels (BE)
2012   silence vert, Oudeis, le Vigan (FR) (with Haag/Rumori/Windisch/Zeller)
2012   galeries nomades, art-cade, Marseille (FR)
2012   new talents biennale, Cologne (DE)
2012   borderlines, Kunstraum Morgenstrasse at Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe (DE)
2011   FILE 2011, FIESP Cultural Center, Sao Paolo (BR) (with Haag/Rumori/Windisch/Zeller)
2011   Brückenmusik 17, Cologne (DE)
2011   File Games Rio 2011, Oi Futuro, Rio de Janeiro (BR) (with Haag/Rumori/Windisch/Zeller)
2011   5 days on, Cloud Sounds, Melkweg Amsterdam (NL) (with Haag/Rumori/Windisch/Zeller)
2010   coopeARTive, Photo Taipeh (TW)
2010   Funware, MU Eindhoven (NL) (with Haag/Rumori/Windisch/Zeller)
2010   Fun with software, Arnolfini Bristol (GB) (with Haag/Rumori/Windisch/Zeller)
2009   Landschaft 2.0, Edith-Russ Haus, Oldenburg (DE) (with Anselm Bauer and David Hahlbrock)
2009   Kunstmeile Sued, Deutschlandfunk, Cologne (DE)
2009   projekt compone, Kunstpraxis Cologne (DE) (with Steffen Krebber)
2008   Plan08, Cologne (DE) (with Anselm Bauer and David Hahlbrock)
2008   Ars Electronica, Linz (AT) (with Anselm Bauer and David Hahlbrock)
2007   make art festival, Poitiers (FR) (with Haag/Rumori/Windisch/Zeller)
2007   Feldstaerke, PACT Zollverein, Essen (DE)


2021 - 2023   Substitute professor „Klangskulptur und Klanginstallation" at Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig
2022   Teaching module "composing / performing in public space" at ESA- École Supérieure d'Art du Nord-Pas de Calais / Dunkerque - Tourcoing
2021   Visiting professor at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies, Justus Liebig University Gießen
2021   Mentoring and workshop at sonotopia - sonic explorers, bonn hören, Bonn
2020 - 2022   Lecturer, guest faculty at Sound Studies and Sonic Arts, Universität der Künste Berlin
2019   Teaching module "performative sound installations" master project mentoring at EPAS, KASK & Conservatorium, Gent
2016 - 2019   Guest professor at the Academy of Media Arts, Cologne (exMedia / Sound)


2023   Artist talk at UMAS Arts Academy in Split
2023   Lecture at „Art and sound in public space“ (Symposium), KASK Gent
2023   Lecture at „Audio Leakage“, Critical Media Lab, FHNW, Basel
2022   Artist talk at statements Köln °08 „Soundart - Klang. Körper.Raum“, artothek Köln
2022   Artist talk at Berlin School of Sound, ACUD, Berlin
2021   Lecture in the seminar „Polyphonic Agencies IV“ by Kerstin Ergenzinger, Hochschule der Bildenden Künste, Braunschweig
2021   Artist talk at „Walking from scores“ (Panel), CIVA, Brussels
2018   Intervention at „Sound it out! at the intersection of sound and social research“, Department of Culture Studies, Tilburg University
2018   Lecture in the seminar „Expérimenter la forme, former l'expérience“ by Pauline M’Barek, Académie royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles
2015   Artist talk at ChezON #13, Köln
2012   Artist talk at the Goethe-Institut Shanghai
2010   Lecture “invisibility & (echo)location”at re-active platform, KHM, Köln
2007   Lecture „Der offener Schaltkreis" at Linux Audio Conference, Berlin


2021   Development grant, Musikfonds Germany (Neustart Kultur)
2016   Development grant, Kunstendecreet Vlaanderen
2014   Project grant, Kunststiftung North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
2010   Foerderpreis des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen fuer junge Kuenstler(innen) Medienkunst (Advancement Award for Media Art, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany )
2010   Grant Landesmusikrat NRW (Music Council North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany)


2024   QO-2, Brussels (BE)
2021   CAUS - Content Analysis of Urban Sound, Gdansk (PL)
2020   werkplaats Walter, Brussels
2018   Acts of Listening at Tuned City Messene (GR)
2017   Acts of Listening at Tsonami Festival de Arte Sonoro, Valparaiso (CL)
2016 - 2017  production residency, overtoon, Brussels (BE)
2013 - 2015   ALOTOF - A laboratory on the open field" OKNO, Brussels  (BE)  
2012   QO-2, Brussels (BE)
2012   Interface 2 / Werkstatt fuer experimentelle Sound-Art / FFT Duesseldorf (DE)
2007   feldstaerke / pact Zollverein Essen (DE)


Franziska Windisch
Haselnussweg 2 1/2
DE-86169 Augsburg

mail: mail [at]
instagram: franziska_windisch

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Any reproduction or other use of images, videos, text, sound and music on this site is only granted upon an agreement in advance.
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